We’re always out and about recording oral history, heritage, folklore and ordinary life stories in Co. Clare. We record mostly audio, but some video interviews also. If we are recording you, we will also take photos and sometimes collect older photographs that you may wish to share.
We write an abstract (summary) of the interview. We ask your permission to archive and share the recording. Then we lodge the recordings, photographs and summary in the Cuimhneamh an Chláir archive. A copy is then made and sent to you, so you and your family can have your own personal archive.
Archives are often seen as places where precious material and memories go to die. At Cuimhneamh an Chláir we see it as one of our primary functions to share the oral history we gather, and to keep the stories alive so that future generations can connect with and enjoy the stories of an older Clare.
We do regular public and community events where we showcase our archive material. Follow our social media for news of upcoming events.
Would you like us to contribute an oral history dimension to your festival, conference or in your part of Co. Clare? Get in touch at [email protected].
Would you like to volunteer with Cuimhneamh an Chláir?
It’s common for oral historians to feel we’re in a race against time! We mostly record the stories and memories of older people. In a rapidly changing world, the fear is that we won’t be able to document all those memories before they disappear, and that we may lose touch with the wisdom of our elders.
So if you’d like to volunteer with us, we’d love to hear from you. You can email us at [email protected].
You dictate your hours. We’ll show you the ropes.

The oral histories and folklore we gather in Co. Clare are given to us in audio interviews. What better way to share them with you than via the ultimate audio storytelling platform – the podcast!
The Clare Oral History Podcast is a curated sampling of the riches of the Cuimhneamh an Chláir archive. Dive in!.
We provide training to our cuairteóirí (collectors) in all aspects of oral history gathering, from interview and archival techniques, to technical aspects of recording and sound editing, to techniques for re-presenting your recordings to the public. We also provide the equipment for you and we’ll support you through the first few recordings.
We also support Clare Heritage groups who wish to have an oral history dimension to their own work. Contact us at [email protected] for more information.
Reminiscence Circles
We run some Reminiscence Circles in day centres and nursing homes around Co. Clare. We’ve heard stories of fair days and first loves, bats in maternity wards and roadkill in car boots. There are belly laughs and songs and more besides. We are loving it. Want to get involved? Contact us at [email protected], if you’d like to volunteer.