Kathleen Nash

Interview by Tomás Mac Conmara on October 16, 2009

Gender: Female

Birth date: 1910

Area: East Clare

Report date: July 6, 2012


Time Description
File 1 0:00:00 - 0:03:02 SCHOOLDAYS AND THE BLACK AND TANS - Kathleen speaks about being in school at the time of the Black and Tans (1920-21). She recalls hearing about a woman being shot and speaks about the fear of her contemporaries that they would be shot. Kathleen speaks about the Scariff Martyrs. She also states that the Black and Tans shot a local man, who was 'simple'. His name was Jim Grogan in Bodyke. He stayed behind a ditch when he heard them coming. The Black and Tans called him to come out but he didn't because he was afraid. They shot him dead. Kathleen states that this man was 'simple'. He ran when he heard the lorry coming. She states that it happened between Feakle and Bodyke. Note: Grogan was shot dead near Feakle on June 29, 1921 by Private Biggs of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light . The Black and Tans never came into Kathleen's house in Derrymore, Scariff but they did go into her neighbour Mick Minogues. He was after getting a new suit and they took it off him.
0:03:03 - 0:06:39 THE SCARIFF MARTYRS - Kathleen remembers hearing about the Scariff Martyrs. States there as 'a desperate crowd there that day' at the funeral. 'They (Black and Tans) were only let out of jail in England and brought over to Ireland'. She states that the four men (Scariff Martyrs) were on the island and they were spied on. Note: This may relate to Islandbawn off Lough Derg which they men may have stayed for a while when they were on the run. However, they were instead captured at Williamstown, Whitegate. Kathleen knew the men. When asked to describe them, Kathleen gets very emotional but says that the men 'Were love...they were lovely'. Speaks again about Birdie (James) Grogan who was shot. This was in Coolreagh towards Feakle.
0:06:40 - 0:12:27 BLACK AND TANS IN COOLEEN BRIDGE SCHOOL - Kathleen recalls the Black and Tans coming into Cooleen Bridge school and writing 'To Hell with the Pope' on the blackboard. They then forced the master Thomas Jones to write the same on the board and threatened to hit him. States that the Black and Tans were 'at a lot of young men to fill holes in the roads'. States that her brother Pat Minogue was in the Volunteers. Pat was at the funeral of the Scariff Martyrs as he was the eldest of the family. States that they burnt Dillon's house (brother's wife) down towards Kilkishen. Neighbours would bring the victims of the burnings in when they were burnt out of their homes. Kathleen feels that there was good support for the IRA. Refers to Counihan who was shot in the bog in Coolreagh. Kathleen says that he was 'supposed to be an IRA man'. This relates to Martin Counihan who was instead shot by the IRA on the basis of a court-martial that found he was an informer. She states that Counihan came to Bodyke after being shot and got the priest after being shot.
0:12:28 - 0:13:26 ATTACK ON RIC BARRACKS IN SCARIFF - Kathleen remembers hearing the attack on the RIC barracks in Scariff in September 1920.
0:13:27 - 0:15:34 COMMEMORATIONS OVER THE YEARS - Every year, there would be wreaths left on the grave of the Scariff Martyrs. Mentions Paddy Gleeson who was at the funeral. She also knew Margaret Hoey (nee Minogue). She states that Margaret's sister was Mrs. Cuneen who was a very cross teacher.
0:15:34 - 0:19:54 SCHOOLDAYS - Speaks about Cooleen Bridge school and the Jones who were the teachers. Kathleen recalls walking without shoes to school which was one and a half miles from her house in Derrymore. Recalls learning Irish which wasn't compulsory at the time. Recalls a book called 'Seanachas'. Kathleen was confirmed at eleven years of age. Recalls that the Bishop (Fogarty) only came every three years to each area. Recalls that a cousin of hers was going to join the priesthood. He wasn't that well and his mother went to Bishop Fogarty who told her to 'take him home and leave him at home'.
0:19:55 - 0:21:14 LIFE ON THE FARM - Kathleen recalls her memories of being raised on the farm. She recalls the many jobs she had like spreading seeds and binding corn. She explains how it was done and that it was hard work.
0:21:15 - 0:25:15 EMIGRATION - Says that her sister went to America and that she had to stay at home. Says that everyone would have gone to America. Speaks about emigration from the area and her own desires to go. Kathleen tells a story about Derrymore to illustrate the many people who had the same name in the same townland. She recalls two Jim Burkes and two Dan Burkes. She tells a story about a young girl who was going to America and sent a wire back to the wrong house. Speaks about the confusion of people with the same names. Speaks about Jacko Mack who was sitting by the fire and played a trick on her when she asked him to read the wire.
0:25:16 - 0:29:55 ENTERTAINMENT - Kathleen describes her house in Derrymore which was a very old thatched house. Recalls that her mother was a great concertina player and her father was a great singer. She recalls that her father would sing at parties. Recalls people dancing around the house, reel sets. Recalls two Hayes sisters who used to come to the house to sing. They were Molly Hayes and Mary Bane. Recalls the fun of the time. Kathleen shows the interviewer a picture of her parents Martin Minogue and Kathleen Fitzpatrick who was from Kilmore near Limerick. Her father was 88 and her mother was 86 when they died.
0:29:56 - 0:31:33 BODYKE EVICTIONS - States that her father Martin Minogue was at the Bodyke Evictions. She recalls what she heard about the Bodyke Evictions.
0:31:34 - 0:32:44 HURLING - She says that her father was very interested in hurling as were her brothers. She recalls going to matches herself.
0:32:45 - 0:34:54 MOVING TO BODYKE - Recalls her neighbour when she moved to Bodyke. Jimmy Moloney and his wife. Speaks of Patrick Stewart who was a rate collector. Says that she found it hard to leave her home in Derrymore. Recalls briefly going home for Christmas and Easter.
0:34:55 - 0:38:05 CALENDAR CUSTOMS - Kathleen recalls bonfires being lit on St. John's Night. This was lit at Coolagorie Cross. Everyone would bring something for the fire. Speaks about how people could 'take the butter' on May Night. Her parents had a strong believed in these customs. Note: Interview is interrupted by a nurse who comes in to close a window.
File 2 0:00:00 - 0:01:57 CALENDAR CUSTOMS - Kathleen recalls the May Bush being brought in on May Night. She recalls making butter in a bottle on May Eve. Speaks about making butter.
0:01:58 - 0:03:32 CHRISTMAS - Kathleen recalls her memories of Christmas
0:03:33 - 0:06:38 CHANGE - Recalls the impact of the washing machine on women. Kathleen recalls the first plane she saw in Derrymore. Speaks about her parent's reaction to the various changes. Kathleen describes the work involved in washing for seven people.
0:06:39 - 0:11:37 WORLD WAR II AND RATIONING - Recalls World War II and rationing. Recalls going in to Raheen during this time and meeting a man called Spellman. Recalls helping him to get cigarettes. Kathleen speaks generally about the impact of rationing on families. Recalls her sisters sending back package of tea.
0:11:38 - 0:12:42 NUNS - Speaks about a woman who was in the nuns but came out. Her mother turned her away as it was seen as an embarrassment to leave the nuns.
0:12:43 - 0:14:54 MATCHMAKING - Kathleen speaks about matchmaking and provides an example of a young woman who went against her parents plans for her.
0:14:55 - 0:16:52 CUAIRD - She recalls Willie Burke who used to come on 'cuaird' to their house in Derrymore. She tells a story about herself and Anna Burke getting a lift with a man on a horse and car from Cooleen Bridge school.
0:16:53 - 0:18:12 BABY GROGAN AND FOOT AND MOUTH - Tells a story about her friend Baby Grogan going to visit the Coffey McMahon's and the following day the Foot and Mouth was confirmed in Coffey McMahons. Note: The Interview is interrupted by a nurse who comes in with Kathleen's dinner.
0:18:13 - 0:20:01 THE MAN AND THE THREE PIGS - Kathleen tells a short story about a local man called Mickey Griffey and his efforts to sell three pigs at Limerick market.
File 3 0:00:00 - 0:01:01 CHANGE - Kathleen speaks about the technological changes in her life. Speaks about the mobile phone.
0:01:02 - 0:03:15 CURES - Speaks about Mrs Oatfield (Wife of Jack Oatfield in Bodyke) who had a cure for ringworm and other ailments. She cured a number of young boys who had ringworm. Recalls a cobweb being used to heal a cut.
0:03:16 - 0:06:00 THE BANSHEE - Recalls a disk she had for the gramophone called 'The Cry of the Banshee' which her mother gave away. Speaks about a man who thought he saw a ghost near Coolagorie. Instead it was a woman who would go out the window when her husband would come home drunk
0:06:01 - 0:06:53 LOCAL PEOPLE - Kathleen speaks generally about local people in her townland in Derrymore.
0:06:54 - 0:09:41 THE SCARIFF MARTYRS - Kathleen looks at a picture of the Scariff Martyrs and recalls about hearing that they were shot. She states that Michael Egan had nothing to do with the incident but was letting the other three stay with him. She refers to the men being caught in the island.
0:09:42 - 0:11:18 THE EVICTED FIELD AND CATHSAOIREACH - Kathleen recalls the tinkers staying at the Evicted Field. She also speaks briefly about the Cathsaoireach.

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