Talking Landscapes: Oral History Walks in Co. Clare Sun 26 May 2024

The third Talking Landscapes walk takes place on Sunday 26 May 2024 in Fanore at the earlier time of 11.30am. Joe Queally and Patsy Carrucan will take us around ‘the village of their childhood.’ We’ll see nad hear the stories of the deserted village, the sacred ground where the Tinkers camped, the ‘old penal chapel’ hidden in hazel in the Caher Valley. We’ll also take some time out  to share in a healing experience at the lighthouse at ‘Black Head / Ceann Dubh’.  Our guides Joe Queally and Patsy Carrucan are natives of Fanore and intimately acquainted with its every corner.  Book your free place here.

Cuimhneamh an Chláir has been gathering oral histories of Co. Clare since 2009. Those stories are strongly linked to place and to our sense of identity as Clare people. Now we invite you to walk through those places in the company of local people who will act as your guides. Look beneath the surface, learn the deep stories, connect with landscape.

Walks will take place bi-monthly throughout the year, mostly in rural locations, but Clare towns will feature too. The walks are free but must be booked in advance. Details and bookings here.